The Gym

The Swole Ape team wants this to be a 'gym of the future', or in less cliche terms, a gym that is rooted in Web3 technology. As such, one goal of ours is for the gym to be open 24/7, 365, rain or shine. This will easily be enabled with digital check-in during non-staffed hours, using your unique NFT as your check-in token, of course. Many gyms already provide this (using RFID rather than an NFT, of course), so not providing this would simply be being behind the times. The option will also exist for members that prefer not to scan their unique NFT every visit, in which case we will be able to provide RFID or NFC tags for check-in purposes. More low-tech options will also be available on a case-by-case basis for those that value their anonymity above convenience.

Gyms in general are rather expensive to open, rather costly to run, and often costly to maintain. Depending on the square footage, setting up the facilities can easily run up to the $250,000-$500,000 range. Between equipment, locker rooms, showers, plumbing, electrical, custom equipment, custom designs, floor mats, flooring... this figure honestly may be a lowball estimate, once again, depending on the square footage. Our team has done the research and has the figures for dozens of gyms, so when the time comes to find a space, we will be able to generate estimates for each location that is considered ahead of time. That said, elite ventures sometimes require elite spending to bring to fruition, so the team does not want to simply chose the cheapest or most financially reasonable option, nor to only base the ultimate decision making on the financial aspect.

As mentioned, all major decisions for this gym will be decided by the community via governance votes. As such, while the vision of this gym has been one that has an emphasis on Bodybuilding/Powerlifting, but is a space for everyone from Mr. Olympia down to common joe, this is something that will finally be decided upon via community vote. If the majority of members simply wanted a space to do... pilates and socialize, well, that will be our new vision.

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